Saturday, March 14, 2009

Discoveries, by Grace

I always thought it was silly when adults put words into babies' mouths, but these pictures just scream for dialogue. You can see it in her eyes. Translation may not be perfect...

Today Grace would like to show you how she can read a magazine.

First I open it up, like this.

Then I lay it out and look at the pretty pictures. Are you with me?

Finally, I take a little bite. Paper is delicious!

Now I want to show you how I can make things fall to the ground.

Now I have the frog...

...and now he's on the ground. Just like that.

I'll show you again with my knitted flip-flops. Now I have them...

...and they're down. Works every time.

This is Gracie's crazy flap. Translation: this is all very exciting! :)


Colleen said...

Wow, she's standing up! Didn't I just see her less than a week ago? Anyway, funny thing about the magazine - she's chewing on the New York Life page, which was the company Great Grandpa Birchill worked for. Hmmm - kinda funny AND ironic. HA!

Colleen said...

Oops! I forgot to mention about the Clearwater Lodge T-shirt. I almost forgot about this cute little shirt - she looks absolutely adorable in it. Love, G-ma L.

Craig and Bethany said...

You TOTALLY capture the voice of an almost one year old! Gracie cracks me up. :) Cute baby, great photographer, a smash-hit blog! Love reading your posts.