Thursday, June 24, 2010

Auntie Julz Comes to Visit

Auntie Julz came back to Spokane the day her school let the teachers out! :) We all know that means we get SPOILED for a few days by having her around. We had a lot of fun with her--BBQing the night she got in, painting with her at the shower, having her over to take some family pictures, and this outing where we all went to the Shadle splash pad...

YAY for weather warm enough to be in bathing suits, and YAY for time with friends!

1 comment:

Nelson and Karina Bell said...

LOVE the black and white photo of Gracie with her tongue out. She looks like she is filled with glee. Thinking of you, my friend, and missing you. Wish we could have playdates together.