Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Trading SLEEPING Spaces

Over the summer, Gracie was quickly outgrowing her crib while Josh was outgrowing his bassinet at a similar pace. Big kids in little beds! Yikes! Something had to be done in the Lochhead house.

Enter: BONK beds. At least this is what Gracie calls them. Jeff and I found a great deal on bunk beds and took the better part of a week to put them together--we found out they were probably a good deal due to manufacturer error on bolt hole placement. But, a couple trips back to the furniture store later, Jeff had them put up. He had lots of good help. :)

The first night Gracie was very excited to sleep in her BONK bed. And she was also excited to pass on her crib to Joshy. So after prayers and snuggles...

...she was ready for bed. Doggy and Bunny and her pink blankie found spots in her new polka-dot sheets under her quilt from G'ma Linda.

She looks so little! :) She woke only twice during the night due to her binky falling on the floor, but ever since she's slept like a rock.

Joshy is WORKING on sleeping like a rock...he is proving to be a night owl, currently. I captured this picture the morning after his first night in the crib.

She's so big! How did this happen? Sigh. Look at lucky Doggy in this great to be loved by a little girl.


Linda (aka Twinkles) said...

Sleep tight Gracie in your new "bonk" bed . . you are getting so big and grown up -- thanks Ellie & Jeff for sharing your pictures and allowing us to follow along as Josh and Grace grow up . . . Slick and Twinkles

The Largents said...

oh how cute! I hope she doesn't fall out of bed :), being so exciteda bout the bonk beds