Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I Caught a Marlin!

The Van Sickles invited us to be guests at the YMCA indoor pool on Sunday night, and we jumped at the chance! The only thing Gracie loves more than the pool is probably those Van Sickle girls. :) Here she is with Kalei...

"One, two, THREE!" She jumped in to daddy over and over and over...

Daddy's marlin. (Joshy is still getting his sea legs...he was needing to check things out from the side with mom). And mom was fit-to-be-tied as her camera battery died after three pics!

1 comment:

LAURA said...

I HATE when that happens! I can't count how many priceless memories I've missed because my dumb camera was either out of battery or the memory card was full! The 3 you got are cute though! It's been fun to see you (literally) at story time, we're usually the loud ones in the back:)