Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Heart...

...grilled cheese sandwiches...


...Valentines in the mail from Brooke, Abby, and Megan, a trip to the pet store, a row of ironed shirts for Daddy, new pajamas, the two non-cheesiest V-Day cards sniffed out and purchased from Fred Meyer, Ellie letting Jeff win in cribbage (during a kids-in-bed, sneak out date to the Service Station--thanks, Auntie Debbie!), a scavenger hunt for Daddy, knowing that God loves us best. Happy Heart Day.

1 comment:

Keith and Meghan said...

we heart the Lochheads! Cute post :) Thanks for the library invite. We will totally take you up on the offer if nap time allows it. And I used the sewing machine on the heart garland----super easy!