Monday, March 26, 2012

Carmen's Bridal Shower

Carmen and my cousin, Zach, are getting married in May!  We were so excited that we were in town to celebrate her at her bridal shower.  One of the games was the Toilet Paper Designer Gown contest.  I personally and unbiasedly think that Megan was the winner, although Kelly should probably win for her amazingly sleek 9-months pregnant gown.  (Shhh!  Don't tell her I put her on the blog!)

And Gracie tried on her flower girl dress--it fit just perfectly!  She's already a pro at this--last year she was honored to be in Auntie Debbie's wedding.  And this time around, the wedding is on her birthday!  What a fun memory for her 4th birthday!

It was so fun to spend time with the (growing!) Moser family--and we got to learn a lot about Carmen through the fun shower games that her sister planned.  We are so excited to welcome her, officially, to the Dobroth/Moser family! :)

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