Monday, March 26, 2012

In the Shop

This kid loves to feed the cats in Papa Greg's shop.

 And after Joshy's fed them, Papa doesn't have to feed them for days.  :)

Ben was so great to change my snow tires before I left--we laughed, because the next day we got spring SNOW--and he even changed my oil.  It was a spoil LE day.

Josh wasn't sure about giving high five to those dirty Uncle Ben hands, but he was braver than Gracie...

And this is Ben humoring me with one last picture.  I kept telling him that with his first child due in the next few days, this was the last time I'd get a picture of him before fatherhood.  As I post this today, there's no baby yet, but I'm sure the next picture of Ben will show him much more TIRED. :)  We are so excited for him and Kelly!  They'll be such great parents...

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