Sunday, March 11, 2012

Us, these days...

These days... Josh has been practicing taking off his own diaper.

This is a fun shot--the not-so-fun shot would've been taken of his crib this morning when Jeff found that he'd taken off a POOPY diaper.

 These days...the kids have been playing more and more dress-up.

These are the Mickey/Minnie hats that our friend, Emma, had at her birthday party.  I try putting them on stuffed animals for the kids to find in the morning and they quickly snatch them off as soon as they spot them.
These days...Grace's favorite game is "put this up so Joshy can't get it."

This little pouch is filled with Gracie treasures.  I find them stashed up on counters and desks "where Joshy can't reach."

These days...we're fighting colds and taking medicine, fighting siblings and hugging it out, fighting to be big kids and snuggling with mom and dad.  We love these days.


Kristin & Jeremiah said...

Love this post! Liam is in to the naked thing these days as well ... that pic looked familiar! Man, we miss us some Lochheads!

Janae said...

I laughed so hard at that first picture of Josh! So cute!!!