Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Kai-Guy and Oh-My-Josh

The birthday boys!!!  Do they look two?  

Couldn't resist the baby shot for comparison...

Right after their birthdays, on the 27th, we rescued Kai from an hour of errand shopping with his mom (literally!  We recognized the Van Sickle Mobile at the gas station after the daily sister drop-offs at school!) and had him come play at our house.  They gave each other gifts--a Buzz doll and a viewfinder!--and tried REALLY hard to share them.  :)
This Kai boy is the sweetest thing!  Of course he spoils his Auntie Ellie every time he sees me by snuggling up to my lap!  Kai loves to HELP and loves to CLIMB.  I wish I would've taken the camera out to the car when his mom picked him up--he climbed through the trunk door and over the last bench seat to get to his carseat.  Here, he's teaching Josh how to escape the bars of the crib...Josh hasn't learned this trick yet, thankfully!

Lately Josh has been waking up in the morning saying, "Car! Car!"  I ask him where he wants to go in the car and he replies, "Kai!  Kai!"  A play-date with Kai is ALWAYS a good choice.

Hugs.  It's good to have a buddy.  :)

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