Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy Birthday, G-G!!!

Here's Gi-gi on her birthday!  Thanks for the picture, Jen!  :)

This year we had a great birthday dinner with G'ma at her favorite place: Fizzie's.

Man, I captured some great expressions!

Actually, it must have been Jeff capturing the great expressions...

Joshy giving loves to G'ma Colleen.  This kid is the best hugger!

And the best part of the night was when they opened up the pool table for the great-grandkids!  I am happy to report that no fingers were smashed in the course of this evening.  There were, however, probably a few dents left in the floor when Josh thought he could "fro balls!"  He got a good lesson in ROLLING balls.  Who knew you could do something with them besides "fro-ing?"

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