Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Final Christmas--Mosers!

Christmas afternoon we spent at the farm.  Kelly and Ben and Millie came from seeing Kelly's family in Warden, and the Morrows were at the farm WAITING!  When we arrived we were met at the garage door with VERY excited Morrow girls.

Katie wins Best Stocking Stuffer of 2013.  Dad was the lucky recipient of this crocheted Santa beard.

G'ma Joan gave animal eyewear to the grandkids.  Eyes open...

...eyes closed.  (Love Millie drinking the bottle amidst this craziness!)

Brady looked high and low for Jeff's French press!

This guy is the most excited kid at the party.

A socket set for his new work pickup.  It floats HIS boat...

And then there were PILLOW PETS!  (They're sprinkled in there amidst the grandkids...)

This is a reprint of a picture that G'ma Caroline had in her house--it's of her house right after a frost.  We think Pam and Brad have the original (?) but the guy who took it came by and told Dad that he had another print.  Lucky guy got it framed for Christmas!

Mom got updated pictures on her old quilt.

Movie watching after the hubbub...

I told the kids that this was my highlight of the Farm Christmas:  Ben and Brady cooking King Crab!  These two were HILARIOUS.  They'd been waiting all year for this meal, and we all heard about it.

I can't tell.  Is he excited?

And the classic Morrow family picture as the night comes to an end.  :)  Love these guys.

Ben baiting his nieces...

Megs and Gracie wrestling.  These two are peas in a pod!

And we all got into puzzles this year!  We were able to do a couple before we left.  We stayed a few days after Christmas--got to have the girls up for the day, returned gifts in Lewiston and saw Brady and Katie's place, visited with Ben and Kelly at their house one night, and even played out in the snow!

Oh yes--and these were the two peas spending the night on the same mattress in G'ma Joan's room.  They made it!  We thought they'd giggle and end up in tears before sleep, but all was dreamy.  :)

And, TA-DA!  That was the last of our Christmas pics!  What a great end to the year.  We are truly blessed to have so many people to love!

1 comment:

Heather Estridge said...

Fun on the farm! Love your dad's pic frame, how special! Glad you had some snow to play in. I just got done shoveling ours here and thought about the HITS house shoveling that long driveway. Have a good one!