Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Weber Christmas 2012

Forty-seven Webers in one room!  G'ma Trudy and Papa LeRoy were so excited to have everyone here for Christmas this year.  Ryan and Audra flew in from Louisiana, Sam and Maggie were back from college in Texas, and Sarah was here from Seattle.  We were only missing one--Adam had to work, boo, hisssss.  Maybe I'll try to photoshop him in...

Jerry and Sheyanna set up risers in their garage and sewed together a backdrop to make these photos happen.  :)  This was all G'ma and Papa wanted for Christmas!

The great-grandchildren:  Abby, Gracie, Keira, Kenley, Millie, Joshy, Megan, Brooke, Rori and Henry

The grandchildren (my cousins):  Luke, Chad, Ben, Matt, Luke, Maggie, Erik, Levi, Sarah, Nathan, Ryan, Nick, Katie, Kim, Tanya, and Ellie

Grandchildren with Spouses

Children (my mom and her brothers):  Tom, Bernie, Jerry, Marty, Pat (all in birth order except my mom who looked funny in between all her tall brothers)

Children with Spouses (my aunts and uncles):  Marie & Bernie, Marty & Judy, Mimi & Pat, Diane & Tom, Jerry & Sheyanna, Dad & Mom

 The Moser Family.  Heck, this is pretty good!

 And this is the best pic of them all--the work that went on BEHIND the camera to get some smiles.  :)

Mom snagged this Lochhead pic before we crossed the street to eat at G'ma & Papa's.

Phew!  A whole post just of group pictures!  I'm too pooped out to include the actual Weber Christmas EVENT pics.  Stay tuned...I'll hopefully get Christmas pics posted by February!  :)

1 comment:

Heather Estridge said...

These are GREAT! How hard to get ALL those people looking good at the same time - success! You'll cherish those, I know. The last pic is priceless, many people forget the behind the scenes shot. Hey, are you going to join me on the 365 challenge? It's not too late...