Wednesday, January 29, 2014

New Years with Auntie Julz

Julie and her family invited us (again!) to spend New Year's Eve with them at the condo in Harrison.  We were so excited to be back to this tradition--last year they were in Hawaii and we had to find other fun to have.  But this year we were back in full swing.  We left the farm for CDA on Monday the 30th and stayed two nights with the McInturffs.

Silly pool kids.  This year they went with Daddy while Julz and I ventured into town with Micah.  We shopped aimlessly downtown for a bit before we drove to find a sandwich place (by Qdoba) and then the liquor store.  :)  That night was the 31st and we went up to the penthouse suite with the McInturffs and Michael & Melinda and their friends.  We played some fun games--I remember one that was a phone app that had us giving clues and playing charades.  At one point the boys were trying to act out being plumbers and I thought I'd pee my pants laughing.

The kids watched Arthur's Christmas during part of the night, and we ended up taking all three back down to our room around 10, I think.  We were tired and had to pack up to go back early the next day for Lochhead Christmas, so our kids didn't see the new year until the next morning.  Jeff and I were able to see the fireworks across the lake before we went to bed.  Good-bye, 2013!  We had so much fun "at the condo"--thanks, Julz!  We are already ready for next year!

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