Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Those Crazy Mosers at Christmas Time...

This was the first year that we celebrated the Sunday after Christmas.  It was a hard transition--we all are so used to celebrating on the 25th--but Mom said it was time that we all had our own days with our kids at home on the actual day of Christmas.  She didn't like it, either, but she did it.  :)

We went down the day after Christmas, and on Saturday night, the Morrows and Ben's clan came over for "pre-func"--dinner and Up and Down the River.

Micah the card shark...

The two most competitive players razzing each other…

Aunt Katie pointed out that this was the first pic of her with Micah.  She'd been sick during previous meet-and-greets.

Abby found my phone.

The next day was present time!

Naps.  Puzzling with Kelly.  Crab dinner.  More nativities for Mom.  Dad's car cover.  Our new microwave!  :)  Dad's sore back.  Brooke's basketball tournament.  A new time to celebrate.

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