Sunday, January 26, 2014

Our Bucket-Filler

Overheard during playtime at our house…
Gracie:  "You just dipped in my bucket!  When you say nice things, that's like filling someone's bucket, Joshy, but when you say mean things that's like dipping out of their bucket--and that was mean.  You just dipped."  

I knew of the Bucket Filling book--we've used it at my school before--and was quite impressed when I heard Gracie verbalizing this concept with her brother.  Even more impressed were we when we got a letter from Gracie's school, inviting us to attend an assembly where she was going to get an award for being a "consistent bucket filler" at her elementary school!

Jeff had just taken 3 weeks off for parenting leave, so he asked that I call the school to find out if EVERYONE was getting an award or if this was extra-EXTRA special.  :)  Each teacher nominated two or three kids, and Gracie was one of the two from her class that were nominated by teachers!  Such an honor…our parental buttons were popping as we sat in the front row of her assembly!

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