Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sunriver, 2014--Part C

This was from Jeff's morning bike ride near the end of our trip.  We found that the path to Bentham Falls is paved now!

Men in the kitchen…just documenting.  :)

Oden was the resident lawn mower.  This boy could've mowed lawn ALL DAY LONG!  Anything wheels with an engine is right down his alley.

Oh, so precious!

This one's kind of cute, too!

 And of course this girl!

 It was so hot during our week, that everyone wanted to sit where Slick is seen sitting.

 But getting wet was quite the ordeal, so we picked the shade instead.  :)

Lilly, girl.  I missed capturing Brodie and Swede!

 Cannot get better than this view!  This screams summer laze to me.

Our puzzle boy with G'ma and Papa.

This was the evening we biked to the Village for ice cream!

And just like the wailing baby that we raced home in the bike trailer with on this same trip 3 years ago, this same kid, now 4 years old, cried all the way home on the tagalong.  Just so that I don't think that vacation is all peaches and cream...

But there are some great together moments.  :)

Girls day out!  This year G'ma Colleen thought we should take Gracie with the girls on our Bend shopping day.  Gracie was ecstatic!

It was a fun, fun afternoon.  Mostly shopping for kids' clothes because that's what we do now...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…the boys went to LaPine to check out the creek!

Papa Scott's back was still bothering him after a couple of chiropractor visits, even.  Poor guy!  He just wanted to kayak and ride bikes!

Micah liked having the attention from Papa.  But at the end of our trip, Micah ran a fever for the last three days.  He was not feeling well. He cried at bedtime on our last night more than we'd heard him cry in a month!  We were quite concerned.  Our first stop when we got back into Spokane was to Quick Care to see if he had an ear infection or…  And of course, he smiled at the doctors and left with a clean bill of health.  Apparently he was sick of vacation?

Our drive home went well, also!  Micah slept quite a bit and the kids zoned out to some movies.  We did come upon a newly started fire near Cheney--Watermelon Hill.  It had been so hot at this point in the month that WA had been fighting fires throughout the state.

We were so happy to be home, after such a long drive--with a sick baby, nonetheless--but treasured our time in the land of Sunriver with family.

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