Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Fourth at the Farm

We got back from Cousin Campin' in time to shower and head down to Clarkston to see the fireworks with G'ma and Papa.  We park at Brady's parents' house and George and Connie are sitting in their front yard with their whole family to watch the fireworks that are being set off in the streets.  Joshy was fascinated and a little scared all at the same time.

 When it came time to walk to the grandstands, Gracie decided to stay with Megan and Abby and Papa in the Morrow's front yard.  The rest of us headed into the stadium to hear the music that went along with the show.

 A great show again this year.  Micah slept through the whole thing.

 And July 5th was JAM DAY!!!

 Oh, my, did we make jam.  All day!

And in the end, we had to put some berries back in the freezer.  Our resources outweighed our energy stores!

Taking a break!

 The kids found this frog that they had to take pics of. :)

Nice photography, Megan!

And the next day we got to swim at George and Connie's pool.  I think it was couple degrees away from being classified as an inferno in Lewiston.  I burnt my toes on concrete.  You have to be tough stuff to live in that valley.  And you have to live in the pool.  Maybe that wouldn't be half bad!

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