Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sunriver 2014, Part II

When Drew and Annie and Oden and the Swansons left for Longview, we had to find something to do without them.  It was strikingly hot, so water play seemed to be the obvious choice.

It was not long before Papa Scott was drawn in…and it really was hard to tell who the biggest kid was in this excitement.

I looked on from the outskirts with Colleen, and I kept thinking, "This is only going to end in tears…"  :)

The day after this, Papa Scott woke to some extreme back pain.  The video above we decided had to be the culprit.

We also did some biking...

Both kids did really well on tagalongs!  We just found one at a garage sale this summer and the house we rented had another, so both big kids were able to go for a few longer rides.

Joshy loved this turtle in the Village.  He wanted me to take a picture of it for his buddy, Kai, who loves turtles.

And then there was this cute baby in the sink, er, bath tub.  :)  I really could just eat him up.

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