Friday, October 31, 2014

October 31

It was a good day to bring in the 'maters.  I'd been stressing about bringing them in before the first freeze, and as it turns out I still had another week until that freeze came, but I felt better getting them in. These tomatoes would later become 4 batches of salsa!

It was also a good day to switch the kids' school pictures.  Two things learned:  1) growing too fast, 2) they're cute as buttons.

It was also a good day to take pictures of a fenced-in boy.  Hard to contain him now!

And of COURSE, it was a good day to show a few kids off in their costumes.  We visited a few neighbors down the street, visited Granny and Pappy, and then went to see Linnea and Christina at Whitworth before heading to the farm for the weekend.

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