Sunday, December 21, 2014

Weber Christmas

The annual Weber gathering at Christmas...things remembered...

...Auntie Sheyanna camp the day before Weber Christmas
where the kids and I came down for the day...

...driving down to Colton from Spokane that morning with surprises to sneak into the basement...

...too much Miralax for Micah created a very memorable
entrance...and a short-lived Christmas outfit...

...delicious dinner in the garage...where Sarah surprised us by showing up unannounced!... asking and asking G'ma Trudy:  "Is it time for presents yet?!?"...

...a strong attempt to organize the crazy festivity made the gift-giving about 70% organized...

...the great-grandkid PIT...full of kids and G'ma-made JAMMIES!...

...later that break Joshy saying, "For some reason, I think these jammies are just perfect!"...

...Micah loving the tissue paper and gift wrap...

...forcing these two into a picture together after not finding one for the family calendar this year...
...Ryan and Audra and the kids traveling from Louisiana to celebrate Christmas with family...
...homemade presents!  Besides our homemade gifts, Pat and Sam made Katie and I birdhouses out of barn wood and Papa LeRoy made Jeff a leather-topped ottoman!  Lindsay also made G'ma a garden-gathering apron, Jerry made Kelly a mirror (made from THEIR barn wood), and he also made these wooden Idaho and Washington signs made out of old crates.  OH--and Dad made Audra a John Deere Steampunk lamp!...

...watching Henry, and then LUKE silently back up to the ruler to be measured...

...a sweet day, filled with family togetherness and tradition--we treasure each one...

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