Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Pain in Papa's Neck

Papa Greg had his 2nd neck surgery on our first Monday home.  I was able to take Micah down to Lewiston to sit and entertain Mom while we were in the waiting room.  Dad did quite well--and I was able to see him before I left that night.  After the fusing, we were hoping that Dad wouldn't have numb fingers/arms anymore, and over the next few weeks we saw that it did the job.  He still has a lot of leg pain, which will be treated this fall when he has another back surgery, but for now, we're celebrating SMALL victories!  :)  It was a crazy way to celebrate Father's Day with him this year.  I got his card to him before he was too drugged so that he'd remember that I didn't forget.  :)  Crazy memorable.

And while I was gone, Daddy took the kids fishing at Loon Lake with Matt and the kids.  Jeff caught the big one!  :)

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