Friday, July 11, 2014

Fun at Home

Our girls didn't have to get up and go to kindergarten on Thursday, so Patricia and I had a playdate.  Swimming pool, water play, and lunch in the backyard.  And of course we had to get these two cuties in the same picture frame.

I loved going through Gracie's writing folder that she brought home from school.  It was so fun to see what she wrote at the beginning of the year and then what she was writing at the end.  A chronological replay of her year as a writer!  This was one of my favorite pieces of her work.  "Last night I went to bed in my room." Great bunk bed rendering!  :)

And then at the end of the day we ran to Costco for the usual--and who should we run into but Melissa and Evie!  The next day was our last day of school--not our "work" day, but we were both going to make an appearance to say goodbye--so we sat in the car and reminisced over the crazy year when we both had babies--and survived!!!  It was a lot more work for each of us when the other was on maternity leave--first I was gone in the middle of the year and then she was gone at the end.  We decided going back to work in the fall will be bittersweet--leaving littles at home, but at least we'll have each other!

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