Monday, July 21, 2014

Those Teachers' Kids...

…are the CUTEST!!!  :)

Here are nine of the ELEVEN kids that make Mrs. Lochhead, Mrs. Fuller, and Mrs. Hastings mommies!  These are the little gems that we talk about in our spare work moments and love-on (and transport) on our non-work days.

Kristen's are Gabe, Jocie, and Ellie (great name!).
Melissa's are Grayce, Elyse, Lilly, Mia, and Evie.  
(Notice the Oxford's commas, Cassie!)

Auntie Cassie came to observe the craziness--I'm pretty sure she's laughing from the deck…

 ...and she brought popsicles for entertainment, er, dessert.  
Jocie and Gabe.

 Silly Lilly.


Gabe, Elyse, and Jocie.

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