Thursday, June 4, 2015

It's the week before school's out. Teachers everywhere are...

...leaving for vacation!  

You were thinking they were 'finalizing grading' and 'working on report cards,' weren't you?  

This year, two events--Christina and Danny's wedding in Denver, and our 10-year anniversary--ALIGNED to create the perfect [end-of-year] storm for the two teachers in our household.  Summer vacation within sight (juuuuuuust over that mountain of lotsa-work), we set out on an early vacation.  It was a little bit stressful leaving...

As I was sitting in this 20-minute traffic delay on the way to work on the morning of our evening departure--with SO MUCH TO DO--I sent this picture to Jeff, telling him that I was currently listening to John Denver.  In preparation for our trip to Denver, I needed to know the rest of the words to "Rocky Mountain High" because those three words were the only ones I was sure of.  Turns out, I knew 70% of the song.  :)

But we made it to our flight that evening and took NO WORK (and no kids) with us!  The kids were with Linnea overnight (see pics below that were sent to us on our phones) and then they were going to the farm for a long weekend.  They were thrilled.  We were thrilled.  And we were off!

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