Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Three nights away from us?!?

Gracie was bound and determined to go to Camp Spalding this year--even if it was three nights without mom and dad!  We looked and looked for a friend to go with her, but everyone was either busy or easily homesick, so off she went as a brave not-quite second-grader.  Super brave girl.  Here are the pictures of the drop-off.  (No mommy-tears, I was quite proud of myself!)

Earlier in the year when Grace told G'ma Joan that she didn't have a friend to go with, G'ma Joan asked Grace if she'd prayed about it yet.  Grace wasn't sure she had.  G'ma told her to pray about it, because maybe God had a special friend to go with her, and maybe God wanted her to go on her own and meet a new friend.  We were anxious to see whom God had lined up for her to meet...

After we said goodbye, we had to go see the new bridge to Monkey Island.  And Josh had to point out where he had been with Daddy the week before.

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