Saturday, July 20, 2019

Vacation with Auntie Julie--Days 1 and 2--Mt. St. Helens

Our vacation with Auntie Julie started out with a good night's sleep:
(for Micah, apparently)

Off to Kennewick to pick up Julie and head to the first phase of our vacation:  Mt. St. Helens!

We had a great little spot in a campground not too awfully far from the mountain.  Our spot was right by the playground and the kids rode bikes around the loop during our two-night stay.

Mt. St. Helens was beautiful!  I'd never been there, so I loved seeing the recovering forest.  I remember being amazed at the old dead trees laying all the same way--and not necessarily downhill.  We went for a hike and it was pretty hot, as we were in new forest most of the time.  A lot of switchbacks and shrubs (and bugs!) but then lunch at the top with a beautiful view of the mountain and its lake.  Kids were hot and whiny and we wanted to trade them in, but in the end we distracted them with the "guess my animal" game and shoved food down their throats.  They're always better on the way back to the car.  :)

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