Friday, July 24, 2015

Church Campout at Marshall Lake

The Whit Pres Church Campout was at Marshall Lake this year.  Jeff had such great memories of the church campout growing up.  This year we thought it would be fun to meet more families in the church.  We arrived in the early Friday afternoon and had fun setting up camp.
Setting up camp...
...setting up camp...

...managing setting up camp...

The kids rode their bikes around...and we were giggling at Grace as she got high-centered and I sang the Wicked Witch of the West song...

The lake was the highlight...the rocks, the water, the fishing!

We met some really nice families and will always remember the kids catching sunfish on this dock.  We didn't stay for two nights, however.  We're wondering if camping with a TWO-year old next summer will be a bit easier...?

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